afrol News, 3 May - The Security Council asked the Secretary-General this morning to set up a two-member team that would prepare an action plan to assess the requirements for a panel of experts to investigate violations of the arms embargo on Somalia and to strengthen its enforcement. The arms embargo was established in 1992 for the purpose of establishing peace and stability in Somalia. Concerned by the continued flow of weapons and ammunition to Somalia, the Council requested that the team be set up within a month and then spend 30 days preparing the plan, which would detail needed resources and expertise. The plan would be implemented by a special panel of experts after it was presented to the Committee. The Council require that the Panel investigate violations of the arms embargo by land, air and
sea; detail information linked to such violations and to enforcement of the embargo; carry out
research in Somalia and other States; assess the capacity of States in the region to fully According to the Security Council, "Noting with serious concern the continued flow of weapons and ammunition supplies to Somalia from other countries, undermining peace and security and the political efforts for national reconciliation in Somalia". The Council has called on all States, the Transitional National Government and local authorities,
other entities and individuals in Somalia to cooperate fully with the Committee and experts. It
also asks all States to report to the Committee after no more than 60 days on measures to ensure
full implementation of the embargo. The Council also "Request local authorities and traditional
civil and religious leaders to enhance the administrative and judicial capacities throughout
Somalia to contribute to the monitoring and enforcement of the arms embargo, in accordance with
the statement of its President of 28 March 2002".
Sources: Based on UN and afrol archives
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