afrol News, 2 May - The Equatoguinean Minister of Parliamentary Relations, Abia Biteo, in an interview in the national radio broadcaster denied having deserted the government to be a part of the opposition exiled in Spain. The exiled RENAGE party had published a statement and keeps insisting on the minister's conversion. The newly formed union of five exiled Equatoguinean parties in opposition to President Teodoro Obiang, RENAGE (National Resistance of Equatorial Guinea), last Thursday in a statement from Madrid claimed that Minister Abia Biteo had joined the party. Biteo, former Minister of Finance, at the moment is in charge of the Ministry of Parliamentary Relations. On receiving the news, on 28 April, a high official of the Office of the Equatoguinean Prime Minister immediately denied the information. RENAGE answered with a new statement, claiming its "surprise" that a clerical officer would make official statements on a case "that normally is the duty of the Head of the Executive or, in his absence, the Spokesperson of the Government." RENAGE thus maintained its claims. The situation creating room for doubts, the minister himself found it appropriate to end the rumours. In a telephone interview from Spain with the national broadcaster, he denied "officially and categorically" both having deserted to the opposition and having negotiated with the opposition in Spain. - After 22 years of service, I have been formed by the system, he told the journalist. "I am a product of the regime, and could not turn against it at any occasion, because I am very integrated in this regime," Abia Biteo said from Madrid, where he has been staying for two months for personal health reasons. According to the old minister, which has plaid a key part in President Obiang's finance and oil businesses, there had been "absolutely no contact" between him and the opposition. "This whole affair is nothing else than a fabrication to weaken the Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea [PDGE, the ruling party], and a try to change the course of the history of our country, but it will not succeed." - As soon as I get back to the country, I'll take legal action against Mr. Daniel Oyono Ayingono alias Superman, President of the National Resistance of Equatorial Guinea [RENAGE]," Biteo concluded his commentary on the affair. RENAGE in its statement has claimed that Minister Biteo "progressively has distanced himself from the regime since February, based on strong pressure and threats to his security" and that he had met with the Movement for the Autodetermination for the Island of Bioko (MAIB), an independence movement that is part of the RENAGE alliance. RENAGE, in its statement of 28 April, claimed it would be able to prove its allegations "in the case that this would be opportune." The movement so far has not reacted to Minister Biteo's categorical denial to his alleged change of mind and party. Sources: Based on RENAGE, ASODEGUE and afrol archives
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