Egypt Politics | Travel - Leisure Unrest spreads to Egypt tourist zones
Reports from Sharm-el-Sheikh today agree on a change of mood in this major Sinai Peninsula tourist report. Even yesterday, as Cairo, Alexandria and Suez were exploding in riot, holidaymakers spent normal, quiet days at the beautiful Red Sea resort.
But Egyptian state media today have warned tourists that the curfew, as from today, also would have to be respected by holidaymakers at the country's two major resorts. Meanwhile, the popular broadcaster Al-Jazeera has been shut down today, leaving locals and tourists without independent information. Tour operators today have been trying to reach out to all tourists in Sharm-el-Sheikh and Hurghada, urging them not to leave their hotel rooms during the curfew, despite a seemingly quiet atmosphere. Several international tour operators are now offering Egypt visitors to cancel their planned holidays and some even offer tourists to be evacuated from the country. TUI and Thomas Cook have offered free cancellation of trips from Germany and the UK. Some German operators even have cancelled all trips to Egypt during the next week. Most European countries so far have only issued travel warnings to the Egyptian cities Cairo, Alexandria and Suez, meaning that travellers do not have the right to freely cancel trips to resorts not included in that warning. Tourists in Sweden this morning were denied a free cancellation of their trip. But the trend is for governments to issue travel warnings for Egypt as a whole. By staff writers © afrol News - Create an e-mail alert for Egypt news - Create an e-mail alert for Politics news - Create an e-mail alert for Travel - Leisure news
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