See also:
» 09.02.2010 - West African gender fight receives UN boost
» 10.12.2009 - Cape Verde eligible for second MCC compact, Niger suspended
» 17.11.2009 - 12 million targeted for west African Yellow Fever vaccination
» 29.09.2009 - Cape Verde supports multilaterism in combating orgainsed crime
» 27.06.2008 - More funds for Cape Verde's rural poor
» 29.05.2008 - Cape Verde to link China and Portuguese world
» 06.09.2006 - Finance Minister resigns, citing personal reasons
» 20.10.2003 - Cape Verde's PM takes over Finance Ministry

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Russian ship found off West Africa coast

afrol News, 17 August - The mystery of the Russian freighter that disappeared at the end of last month has been somehow resolved, when it was discovered off the West African coast not very far from Cape Verde.

The details of the disappearance have however not been cleared except that all the 15 member crew was found well and alive.

Reports today said the Russian minister of defense announced the discovery, further saying the crew has already been taken aboard the naval vessels to safety.

There have been conflicting reports on the missing of the ship, with some pointing at a possible Pirates attack, while other reports suggested internal Russian politics.

The ship was last heard from on 28 July and since then its whereabouts remained a mystery. The vessel, reportedly carrying millions worth of cargo of timber, was supposed to have docked on 4 August in the Algerian port of Bejaia.

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