Africa | Tanzania | World Economy - Development | Politics | Culture - Arts | Society Tanzanian artists join in the theme art work for Europe week afrol News, 11 May - A group of eight Tanzanian artists working together with six European artists will create and present a joint contemporary visual artworks using cheap local materials as part of activities to celebrate the European Week for 2009 which is the Europe Year of Innovation and Creativity.Under the themes of “Creativity and innovation” and “Something from Nothing,” the workshop gathers selected European and Tanzanian artists living in Dar es Salaam to work together at the Danish supported Nafasi Art Space to create joint contemporary artworks using cheap materials and equipment. By staff writer © afrol News - Create an e-mail alert for Africa news - Create an e-mail alert for Tanzania news - Create an e-mail alert for World news - Create an e-mail alert for Economy - Development news - Create an e-mail alert for Politics news - Create an e-mail alert for Culture - Arts news - Create an e-mail alert for Society news
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