Africa | Morocco | World Society | Politics | Economy - Development | Human rights 5 die as boat capsize off Canary Islands afrol News, 16 February - Four people and an eight year old girl have drowned after a boat carrying illegal migrants from Morocco capsized in rough seas just off Spain's Canary Islands. More than a dozen is reported still missing.Spanish officials said the boat overturned on Sunday evening very close to Lanzarote's shores. "Several island residents dived into the water and managed to save six of the migrants with the help of others in small boats," official statement said. By staff writer © afrol News - Create an e-mail alert for Africa news - Create an e-mail alert for Morocco news - Create an e-mail alert for World news - Create an e-mail alert for Society news - Create an e-mail alert for Politics news - Create an e-mail alert for Economy - Development news - Create an e-mail alert for Human rights news
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