See also:
» 02.12.2009 - Swiss nationals get jail terms in Libya
» 23.11.2009 - Libya and FAO sign $71 million development deal
» 15.05.2009 - Libya gets 3 patrol boats from Italy
» 29.04.2009 - Libya signs prisoner swap agreement with Britain
» 09.04.2009 - Libya files law suit, demands compensation over arrest
» 03.04.2009 - US visa office reopened in Tripoli
» 23.03.2009 - Libya to recruit Bangladesh workers for dev projects
» 09.03.2009 - Libya to lodge formal complaint against Swiss authorities

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Qaddafi's son unveils free trade accord with Europe

afrol News, 22 August - Libyan leader's son has unveiled the North African country's plans to seal a free trade accord with the European Union.

Seif-al-Islam said the accord has been necesitated by Libya's improved ties with Europe and the United States following the lifting of international sanctions over the Lockerbie bombing and suspension of nuclear weapons.

“Who would have believed that we would reach such achievements?" Qaddafi's son asked in a statement issued from Sebha, some 800 km from the capital Tripoli. "They are reality now," he said.

"I handled many cases of foreign and internal affairs, but now my programme is realised and on track," he said announcing his withdrawal from politics. He said the country's hope lies in the creation of independent institutions and strong civil societies capable of effective participation in Libya's decision-making processes.

Seif-al-Islam who has always been regarded as the possible heir to the throne announced quitting politics before young supports on Wednesday.

The young Qaddafi is bereft of any official role in the government, but has mustered international clout for intervening in Libya's various departments. He was satisfied with his role in solving the country's domestice and international problems, particularly the Lockerbie bombing case and the brouhaha around the profession misconduct charges of six Bulgarian medics.

"I have achieved my programme. The train is currently on rails. I have no more big battles to fight and my position is becoming embarrassing," he said in a televised speech, saying it was wrong for a few people to be in charge of decision-making process.

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