Kenya | Libya | Mali | Niger Politics | Human rights "Kenya, Niger, Mali troops support Ghaddafi"
Council spokesman Hafiz Ghoga at a press conference in Benghazi, the main city in "liberated Libya", made tough accusations against several African states and urged the UN to bomb the "African mercenaries of Ghaddafi."
Most other African governments so far have not reacted to the sharpening rhetoric of Libyan revolutionaries. Especially the African Union (AU) has been noted for its silence on the "African mercenary" issue - a silence that has been called "scandalous" by several sources, both those claiming there are African mercenaries in Libya and those denying it. In Kenya, officials yesterday told the independent 'Daily Nation' there were no proof of Kenyan mercenaries operating in Libya. "The only [Kenyan] individuals in Libya are embassy staff and students who are not involved militarily," Foreign Affairs assistant Minister Richard Onyonka was quoted as saying. In Mali, the government has as yet to react. The Bamako Foreign Ministry has rather increased its efforts to evacuate Malian citizens from Libya, following increasing reports about attacks. However, only some 130 Malians, out of an estimated 15,000, so far have been evacuated through Tunisia. In Niger, neighbouring Libya, government yesterday issued its first statement regarding the situation in Libya. In very diplomatic manners, the government spokesman voiced concern about the security of Nigerien citizens in Libya, saying its Tripoli Embassy had received orders to "issue travel documents at no cost for citizens wishing to return home." The Niamey government further confirmed that so far, over 1,500 Nigerien citizens had fled Libya overland, through the Sahara desert, arriving the oasis city of Agadéz. More are underway, with many other sub-Saharan Africans fleeing through the same route. By staff writer © afrol News - Create an e-mail alert for Kenya news - Create an e-mail alert for Libya news - Create an e-mail alert for Mali news - Create an e-mail alert for Niger news - Create an e-mail alert for Politics news - Create an e-mail alert for Human rights news
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