See also:
» 02.03.2011 - "Kenya, Niger, Mali troops support Ghaddafi"
» 31.03.2010 - Court bombshell hangs over Kenya
» 04.03.2010 - ICC prosecutor submits 20 names
» 01.12.2009 - Annan expected in Kenya for talks
» 14.10.2009 - ICC prosecutor invited for talks in Kenya
» 24.08.2009 - Kenyan census kicks-off
» 25.03.2009 - ICC should be a last resort, HRW urges Kenya
» 09.03.2009 - Rwanda tribunal takes Kenya to Security Council

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Thousands flee Kenya clashes, 30 killed

afrol News, 16 March - At least 30 persons are reported killed in the inter-clan clashes over water resources in north-eastern Kenya, local police sources confirmed today. Some 16 of these are children. Thousands are fleeing the violence, which are the most serious clashes in Kenya for over a decade.

Officials have confirmed at least 30 deaths in Kenya's north-eastern Mandera district, close to the Somali border. The UN's Children's Fund (UNICEF) speaks of the "brutal slaughter of at least 16 children" that apparently were caught up in the inter-clan clashes over water. It described "an attack by guns, swords and fire that seemed to specifically target youngsters."

The first attack occurred yesterday at El Golicha, a watering point for pastoralists and where members of the Garre clan live, some 10 kilometres from Elwak Town in Mandera District. The assailants apparently came from a rival clan, the Murule. The two have feuded over access to water for many years. Last time the Murule were apparently the victims of a Garre attack. Both the Murule and Garre clans are pastoralists of Somali origin.

During the early hours of 15 March, an estimated 40 attackers came to seek revenge, creeping into El Golicha while most of the Garre men were out guarding their livestock. They attacked the huts where children and women were sleeping, setting some ablaze, and using guns and swords to attack those who tried to flee.

According to local officials, the spiralling revenge acts have now caused up to 5000 villagers in the district to flee their homes as they expect further attacks. The Kenyan Red Cross today confirmed that more than 1000 families of three to five members each had left their homes. Residents had started fleeing the area "because of fear that they might be the next targets," Red Cross spokesman Anthony Mwangi said.

According to UNICEF Country Representative Heimo Laakkonen, this was "just one incident in a series that have engulfed communities in many parts of Mandera, and elsewhere in Kenya as well." In Mandera alone, over 20,000 people had been displaced by violence in recent months, Mr Laakkonen held.

- In the arid lands of Kenya, water means life, yet too often these days it is an excuse for killing and death, the UNICEF representative added. "No one wins in these conflicts. Whole livelihoods are destroyed, families are torn apart and it is always the children who suffer the most," he said, calling on Kenyan authorities to restore order and protect children.

Yesterday's massacre may have been "just one incident in a series," but it is however considered to be the most brutal so far. According to the Kenyan police, no inter-clan attack in has had a higher death toll than yesterday's slaughter. The attack was also far more brutal than earlier violence.

The Kenyan government has sent a large police force to the Mandera district to investigate the massacre and to boost security. The security operations are aimed at preventing new revenge act, hindering illegal movements over the Kenyan-Somali border and confiscating illegal weapons.

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