Congo Kinshasa Society | Human rights | Politics Wanted Congo warlord "walks freely in Goma"
Mr Ntaganda, a Congolese army general sought on an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court (ICC) since 2006, is accused of the systematic use of child soldiers as he was one of the senior rebel leaders terrorising the Ituri district of Congo Kinshasa (DRC) in the years after 2000.
Despite well documented evidence of his abuses, the Congolese government has not acted to arrest Mr Ntaganda, whom it regards as essential to the "peace process" in eastern Congo. After taking over the leadership of the CNDP, Mr Ntaganda announced that he was ending the rebellion. Mr Ntaganda since secured a position for himself as a general in Congo's army. Government therefore said it would not execute the ICC arrest warrant against him in the interest of maintaining peace, contending that Mr Ntaganda is needed to keep the former CNDP troops integrated in the Congolese army. Human rights activists deeply disagree with the Congolese army's position. "Mr Ntaganda should be arrested and made to answer for his crimes, rather than being allowed to walk freely in Goma," said Anneke Van Woudenberg of Human Rights Watch. "He is a threat to the people of eastern Congo and is making a mockery of the Congolese government's policy of zero tolerance for human rights abuses," she added. "President Kabila claims that Ntaganda is necessary for the peace process, but Ntaganda's brutal targeting of opponents and blatant disregard for Congolese law and basic human rights is no way to achieve peace," the human rights activist concluded. By staff writer © afrol News - Create an e-mail alert for Congo Kinshasa news - Create an e-mail alert for Society news - Create an e-mail alert for Human rights news - Create an e-mail alert for Politics news
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