Africa | Libya Politics | Economy - Development | Health | Human rights | Society Libya extends humanitarian aid to Gaza Strip afrol News, 26 November - A Libyan ship, carrying humanitarian supplies is set to sail towards Gaza Strip today, a Palestinian activist has confirmed.Jamal al-Khodary, chief of Popular Committee against Gaza Siege, confirmed today that the ship which started its voyage from the port city of Az Zawiyah on the Mediterranean will be delivering about 3,000 tons of medicine and humanitarian aid to stranded residents of the Gaza enclave. By staff writer © afrol News - Create an e-mail alert for Africa news - Create an e-mail alert for Libya news - Create an e-mail alert for Politics news - Create an e-mail alert for Economy - Development news - Create an e-mail alert for Health news - Create an e-mail alert for Human rights news - Create an e-mail alert for Society news
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