Namibia Culture - Arts | Economy - Development Namibian beer wins gold medal afrol News, 13 November - The "Tafel Lager" beer produced by Namibia Breweries Ltd won a gold medal in the category of "mild beers" at an international award ceremony in Nuremberg, Germany.Today, the European Beer Star Award held in Nuremberg announced the winners of the world's best beers in 42 different categories. One of the gold medals, in the category "mild beers", went to Namibia Breweries Ltd for its Tafel Lager brand. This was the only award to an African brewery at this major event, organised by the Association of small and independent Breweries in Europe. By staff writer © afrol News - Create an e-mail alert for Namibia news - Create an e-mail alert for Culture - Arts news - Create an e-mail alert for Economy - Development news
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