Comoros Politics | Society | Human rights Anjouan ready for presidential olls afrol News, 12 May - Voters in the Comoros Island of Anjouan will go to the polls on 15 June this year to elect their new President. The election followed the ousting of Colonel Mohamed Bacar from power by a military operation carried out by the African Union and Comorian forces.Five candidates have put their candidature to contest the polls. They are Moussa Tobou, a former minister in the Djohar government; Bastoine Soulaimane, a Judge and former President of the Anjouan Court of Appeal; Soundi Abdoulatuf, a former French military veteran; Mohamed Djanfari, former National Assembly Speaker and Bacar Abdou, an MP for the Anjouan Island. By staff writer © afrol News - Create an e-mail alert for Comoros news - Create an e-mail alert for Politics news - Create an e-mail alert for Society news - Create an e-mail alert for Human rights news
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