Economy - Development | Politics | Agriculture - Nutrition | Environment - Nature Sahel nations lose 1.7m ha land afrol News, 28 April - On average each year, Sahelian countries lost 1.7 million hectares of arable land to desertification, environmental experts told journalists.At a news conference in the Senegalese capital Dakar, the Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Great Green Wall project, Abdoulaye Dia said project aims to arrest desertification as well as develop the natural resources of countries. By staff writer © afrol News - Create an e-mail alert for Africa news - Create an e-mail alert for Burkina Faso news - Create an e-mail alert for Chad news - Create an e-mail alert for Djibouti news - Create an e-mail alert for Eritrea news - Create an e-mail alert for Ethiopia news - Create an e-mail alert for Mali news - Create an e-mail alert for Niger news - Create an e-mail alert for Nigeria news - Create an e-mail alert for Economy - Development news - Create an e-mail alert for Politics news - Create an e-mail alert for Agriculture - Nutrition news - Create an e-mail alert for Environment - Nature news
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