See also:
» 23.02.2011 - Senegal breaks with Iran over arms smuggle
» 13.07.2010 - Senegal leader's son denies monarchic ambitions
» 25.03.2010 - Senegal should do away with bottlenecks, IMF
» 26.01.2010 - Experts on black-eyed peas to meet in Dakar
» 23.11.2009 - S/Korea to double aid to Africa
» 27.10.2009 - IMF returns Senegal's bag of dollars gift to official
» 17.09.2009 - MCC signs $540 million compact with Senegal
» 27.08.2009 - Senegalese police unit joins AU-UN peacekeeping force in Darfur

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Senegal bans radical musician

afrol News, 17 December - A radical Ivorian reggae maestro, Tiken Jah Fakoly, has been declared persona non grata by the Senegalese authorities. Fakoly's expulsion came after he was accused of interfering into Senegal's domestic affairs by asking President Abdoulaye Wade to relinquish power to avoid conflict.

He had also directed sharp criticisms at Wade and his government, accusing them of creating rising corruption, disrespect democracy and rule of law as well as maladminister the country.

During a concert in Dakar Fakoly asked Wade to leave power if he truly loved Senegal. He also asked the Senegalese leader not to involve his son, Karim in running the affairs of the state if he would not want him [Karim] to be probed by the parliament.

Fakoly's comments have angered the Senegalese authorities, describing it as a "provocation" and interference into their internal affairs.

Apart from the expulsion order, Fakoly was also banned from performing music shows in Senegal.

During the Ivorian civil war, Fakoly sought political asylum in Mali. Over the years, he has been criss-crossing the sub-region - especially Senegal - performing shows often punctuated with attacks on African leaders.

The Wade government has been at dagger's ends with its critics for so long. They accused the government of eroding the country's good democratic status, proliferate corruption and detain journalists.

Despite the sharp criticisms, President Wade won his second term mandate after defeating 14 other contestants in February this year. His ruling Senegalese Democratic Party has also conquered both the upper and lower houses of parliament.

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