Cape Verde Technology | Economy - Development Cape Verde telecom market to be liberalised afrol News / A Semana, 25 September - The Cape Verdean government and Cabo Verde Telecom are expected to sign an accord on Wednesday, September 27, consecrating the total liberalization of the telecommunications market beginning on January 1, 2007. CV Telecom will drop its court case against the State, in which it requested the suspension of the government’s law decree declaring the market open, while the government has given the green light for the readjustment of telephone fees.Cape Verde’s telecommunications market will be opened up completely beginning January 1 of next year. Indeed, the government had already made this decision through a law decree approved earlier this year and which requires the renegotiation of the telecommunications company’s contract with Cape Verde, which gives it a monopoly on the land line network and on international calls. By staff writers © afrol News / A Semana - Create an e-mail alert for Cape Verde news - Create an e-mail alert for Technology news - Create an e-mail alert for Economy - Development news
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