Burkina Faso | Niger Society | Agriculture - Nutrition Floods in Niger, Burkina Faso affect 26,000 afrol News, 8 September - Nearly 26,000 people are left homeless or are otherwise stricken by floods that have followed almost four weeks of torrential rains in Niger and Burkina Faso. At Bilma, in the middle of the Niger's Sahara desert and about 700 kilometres northeast of the city of Agadez, the rainfall hit levels never reached since locals began keeping records in 1923.The UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) today has warned of the consequences of the unprecedented floos is Niger and Burkina Faso. Around 26,000 people are affected in the two countries. Four people have been killed in Niger, the country struck hardest by the floods. By staff writer © afrol News - Create an e-mail alert for Burkina Faso news - Create an e-mail alert for Niger news - Create an e-mail alert for Society news - Create an e-mail alert for Agriculture - Nutrition news
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