Africa | South Africa Society | Culture - Arts New book celebrates Miriam Makeba
- I discovered that this attractive and apparently so gentle and mature woman was a very political creature, in fact an uncompromising militant where her people's freedom was concerned, says Stokely Carmichael in the foreword of the book. Mr Carmichael is an African American political activist who coined the phrase Black Power and was married to Ms Makeba for 10 years and lived with her in Guinea.
It is also a book that chronicles the later years of her life. "Her homecoming after 31 years in exile and takes us to the present even drawing on experiences Miriam Makeba has had this past year," the editorial holds. The new biography thus has the most complete account of her life to date. Also stylistically, it is "a visual and colourful rendition of an extraordinary life, with numerous black and white photographs of the artist and her friends." The book was formally released in Johannesburg in late November. Both Ms Makeba and the co-author spoke at the well visited book launch. Ms Makeba mostly dedicated her speech to her near fatal experience, when at the age of 33 she was diagnosed with cervical cancer and told she had not long to live. She was thus in exile in America and with no one to turn to. Her message reminded the attendees at the book launch of her activist soul: "Women go for pap smears. Men make sure your partners go for pap smears," Ms Makeba urged. She went on saying that, while it is standard for women in the west to go for regular tests, it still remained a problem to get African women to go. This experience, she said, was just one of the many experiences in her life that are written about in the book. She thus hoped people could "gain something positive" from by reading her book. According to Nisa Global Entertainment, non-South African readers can order the book through the following websites: and A final tip for investors: The publishers, STE, "are looking for publishing partners around the world," the editorial notes. By staff writer © afrol News - Create an e-mail alert for Africa news - Create an e-mail alert for South Africa news - Create an e-mail alert for Society news - Create an e-mail alert for Culture - Arts news
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