Seychelles Society | Politics Seychellois President to step down
- I shall be handing over the Presidency to Vice-President James Michel later this year, President René told Parliament in Victoria during his televised state of the nation speech today. The 68-year-old President said he wanted to retire after 27 years in power in the Indian Ocean archipelago of 80,000 inhabitants.
According to opposition leader Wavel Ramkalawan, real democracy and press freedom yet has to be re-introduced in Seychelles. The government controls most of the media and repeatedly muzzles the few attempts of critical journalism. Polls however tended to become freer, and in 2001, President René came close to lose out to Mr Ramkalawan. Economically, President René has led a relatively successful and popular policy, combining growth and social security. The Seychelles has become one of Africa's most affluent nations, mainly based on the successes in establishing a luxury tourism industry. Living standards are also among Africa's highest. Within few months, President René will however let politics be politics and enjoy retirement, he announced. The retired leader then can turn to his favour leisure interests, which, according to his website, include gardening, fishing, sailing and cooking. By staff writers © afrol News - Create an e-mail alert for Seychelles news - Create an e-mail alert for Society news - Create an e-mail alert for Politics news
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