The media afrol News
afrol News is an independent media headquartered in Norway and run according to Norwegian law and Norwegian press ethics
Responsible editor (English, French editions): Rainer Chr Hennig
Responsible editor (Spanish, Portuguese editions): Pablo Gracia
Opinion pieces and articles by other media published through are solely the responsibility of their author's and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints or standards of afrol News, which accepts no liability.
Library reference: ISSN 1503-6103
Buying content and new agency services
Content from afrol News, both individual articles and our news copy in general, can easily be purchased for reproduction.
AON news agency services
afrol News copy can be subscribed to and reproduced through AON (African Online News), a news agency service offered by our media house. The AON service is mainly based on afrol News copy, including all news articles published by afrol News on It however also includes proper AON news articles, often those too short for the format, and news copy from other cooperating media.
AON news copy is reasonably priced and rather exclusive on the market.
AON seeks to cover the African continent widely and analyses events and developments seldom mentioned by other mainstream media. There is a special focus on also to cover positive developments on the continent. Compared to other news agencies, AOC copy is also fairly seldom seen in online media. This makes afrol News and AON copy much more exclusive for your readers, which typically will recognise copy from other mainstream agencies from other media they regularly browse.
AON news copy is also reasonably priced. Prices will always be a matter of negotiations, mostly depending on your media's format and circulation. See more about how to order and receive an AON subscription on the AON website, or simply send an e-mail request to
AON new agency services exist in English and Spanish language. Products can further be tailored for any media, for example only including economy-related copy or only a specific country or region.
Purchasing a single article or feature
To reproduce a single article or feature article of afrol News copyright, you need to get previous permissions and pay a single fee. The following rates apply:
Feature or article?

Content pages on are either features or articles, with features
normally being much longer than articles.
To find out whether the content page is a feature or article, look at the
horizontal green navigation bar located just over the title. The last graphic
will either say "Article" or "Feature".
Reprint of afrol News copy by
low circulation online/print media (article): €29
low circulation online/print media (feature): €45
high circulation online/print media (article): €55
high circulation online/print media (feature): €75
low circulation book (article): €75
low circulation book (feature): €99
high circulation book (article): €99
high circulation book (feature): €145
Write to to purchase a single afrol News article or feature, including the article's URL (web address) in the e-mail. Note that we cannot sell you reprint rights to a single article that does not have afrol News' copyright (please check at the bottom of the article)!
Note that the price examples given above only apply to customers having obtained previous permission to reproduce an afrol News article. Reproducing an afrol News article without previous permission will, due to the extra administrative work, be charged with a fee being the double of the above mentioned.
Also note that, if you plan to reproduce single afrol News articles on a more regular basis - even if only one article each month - it will always pay off to negotiate a reasonable and limited subscription. A limited subscription can be much cheaper than purchasing a single article.
Independent African media may in many cases participate in the afrol news exchange scheme, a free service designed to promote independent journalism and media development in Africa. The news exchange scheme has several preconditions, including your making available news copy from your media, but will provide you with an extensive cost-free foreign news coverage. The main important precondition is to gain a previous admission and agreement on the news exchange. Media reproducing afrol News copy - or copy from any other media - without previous permission will be excluded from participating in the news exchange. Read more here.